Structural Functionalism

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    examine thought-provoking questions Structural Functionalism about choices and decision-making. Reflect on the options and dilemmas we exploit in life. Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that explains how society functions by examining find answers to questions that will help you navigate through difficult decisions and explore different perspectives. Engage in discussions that delve into the complexities of choices and their impact on our lives. begin your journey of self-reflection and gain insights into the skill of your choices today, Viral Questions.

    Structural functionalism is a sociological theory that explains how society functions by examining the relationships between the various social institutions that make up society. It is a macro-level theory that focuses on the structures of society and how they function together to maintain social order.

    Structural functionalism was developed by Emile Durkheim in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. According to Durkheim, society is like an organism, with each part of the organism playing a specific role in maintaining the health and stability of the whole. In other words, each part of society has a function that contributes to the overall functioning of society as a whole.

    Structural functionalism has been criticized for being too focused on social order and stability at the expense of individual freedom and agency. However, it has also been praised for its ability to explain how different parts of society work together to maintain social order.

    Here are some websites that discuss structural functionalism:

    1. [Britannica](
    2. [ThoughtCo](
    3. [Verywell Mind](

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