Take Me To The River I Will Swim

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    Take Me To The River I Will Swim is a song by Al Green. It was written by Green and Mabon Teenie Hodges. The song was released in 1974 and became a hit in the United States. It has since been covered by many artists, including Talking Heads and Annie Lennox.

    The song is about a man who is willing to do anything to get back to his lover. He says that he will swim across the river if he has to. The lyrics are simple but powerful, and the melody is catchy and upbeat.

    The song has been interpreted in many ways over the years. Some people see it as a love song, while others see it as a metaphor for the civil rights movement. Whatever your interpretation, there’s no denying that Take Me To The River I Will Swim is a classic song that has stood the test of time.

    If you’re interested in writing a about this song, there are many directions you could take. You could write about the history of the song and how it came to be written. You could analyze the lyrics and talk about what they mean. You could discuss the different interpretations of the song and what they say about our culture.

    To get started, you might want to listen to the song a few times and take some notes. Think about what stands out to you about the song and what you find interesting or compelling. From there, you can start to develop your ideas and write your article.

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