Why Juneteenth

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    Discover the reasons at the rear various phenomena, events, and behaviors bearing in mind our gather together exploration of Why Juneteenth. Uncover the motivations, causes, and explanations that involve our world. Juneteenth is a federal holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It marks locate insights and answers to thought-provoking questions that delve into the depths of Why Juneteenth. Engage in discussions that unravel the complexities of reasons and get a deeper bargain of the underlying factors. begin exploring the fascinating world of Why Juneteenth and unlock the knowledge that can transform your perspective,Stay tuned in Viral Questions.

    Juneteenth is a federal holiday that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It marks the day when federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, in 1865 to enforce the Emancipation Proclamation that had been issued two and a half years earlier. Juneteenth is also a celebration of African American culture, triumph, and civil rights. It is considered the longest-running African American holiday and the country’s second Independence Day.

    The history of Juneteenth dates back to June 19th, 1865 when Union General Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas and announced that all slaves were free. The Emancipation Proclamation had been signed by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1st, 1863 but it took over two years for the news to reach Texas. The delay was due to the fact that Texas was one of the most remote slave states and had a low presence of Union troops.

    Juneteenth is important because it celebrates freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is also an opportunity to reflect on the history of slavery in America and its impact on African Americans. Juneteenth celebrations often include parades, picnics, barbecues, music, and dancing.

    In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in Juneteenth as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement. Many people are using Juneteenth as an opportunity to educate themselves about African American history and culture.

    Here are some websites that discuss Why Juneteenth:
    – [History](https://www.history.com/news/what-is-juneteenth)
    – [Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Juneteenth)
    – [FSU Diversity & Inclusion](https://diversity.fsu.edu/article/what-juneteenth-why-it-important)
    – [Heritage Foundation](https://www.heritage.org/civil-society/commentary/what-juneteenth-and-why-should-every-american-want-celebrate-it)
    – [Los Angeles Times](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-06-15/the-story-behind-juneteenth-and-how-it-became-a-federal-holiday).

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