Turner Syndrome In Hindi

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    Turner Syndrome

    Turner Syndrome A Genetic Disorder That Affects Girls and Women

    Turner syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects girls and women. It is caused by a missing or incomplete X chromosome. This can happen in one of two ways

    * The girl or woman may be born with only one X chromosome. This is called monosomy X, or 45X.
    * The girl or woman may have two X chromosomes, but one of them is missing or incomplete. This is called mosaic Turner syndrome.

    Girls and women with Turner syndrome have a wide range of symptoms, including

    * Short stature
    * Webbed neck
    * Low-set ears
    * Widely spaced nipples
    * Delayed puberty
    * Infertility
    * Heart defects
    * Thyroid problems
    * Hearing loss
    * Learning disabilities

    The severity of the symptoms of Turner syndrome varies from person to person. Some girls and women with Turner syndrome live normal, healthy lives, while others may have more serious health problems.

    There is no cure for Turner syndrome, but there are treatments that can help to manage the symptoms. These treatments may include

    * Growth hormone therapy to help girls and women grow taller
    * Estrogen replacement therapy to help with puberty and development of secondary sex characteristics
    * Treatment for heart defects, thyroid problems, and other health problems
    * Speech therapy and other interventions to help with learning disabilities

    Girls and women with Turner syndrome can live long and healthy lives. With early diagnosis and treatment, they can reach their full potential.

    If you are concerned that your child may have Turner syndrome, talk to your doctor. They can order genetic testing to confirm the diagnosis. If your child is diagnosed with Turner syndrome, they will be able to recommend the best treatment options for your child.

    There are many resources available to help girls and women with Turner syndrome and their families. The Turner Syndrome Society of the United States is a great resource for information and support. You can find more information on their website at www.turnersyndrome.org.

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    Turner Syndrome In Hindi

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