You And A Fellow Lifeguard Are Giving Ventilations Using A Bvm. You Position The Mask Over The Victim’s Mouth And Nose. What Should The Other Lifeguard Do?

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    dissect thought-provoking questions You And A Fellow Lifeguard Are Giving Ventilations Using A Bvm. You Position The Mask Over The Victim’s Mouth And Nose. What Should The Other Lifeguard Do? not quite choices and decision-making. Reflect on the options and dilemmas we combat in life. When giving ventilations using a BVM, it is important that both lifeguards are attentive and ready find answers to questions that will encourage you navigate through difficult decisions and investigate interchange perspectives. Engage in discussions that delve into the complexities of choices and their impact on our lives. begin your journey of self-reflection and gain insights into the capability of your choices today, Viral Questions.

    When giving ventilations using a BVM, it is important that both lifeguards are attentive and ready to practice the steps as soon as the situation arises. As soon as one lifeguard positions the mask over the victim’s mouth and nose, the other lifeguard should be ready to pump the bag. A bag-mask-ventilator delivers oxygen to the patient and needs two people to operate it.

    The other lifeguard should squeeze the bag with both hands . This is because a BVM requires two people to operate it. One person must hold the mask over the victim’s mouth and nose while the other squeezes the bag.

    In summary, when giving ventilations using a BVM, both lifeguards should be attentive and ready to practice the steps as soon as the situation arises. One lifeguard should position the mask over the victim’s mouth and nose while the other squeezes the bag with both hands.

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